in the first line of an input cell
Markdown syntax
Use #
for headings, increasing the number of #
for smaller headings:
# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
Use *
or _
for italics, and **
or __
for bold:
*italic* or _italic_
**bold** or __bold__
Create unordered lists with *
, +
, or -
, and ordered lists with numbers followed by a period:
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Subitem 1
1. First item
2. Second item
1. Subitem 1
Create links using [text](URL)
Embed images using 

Files can be remote or local (in the notebook folder). Try to drag and drop any image inside markdown cell
We use an amazing Excalidraw editor for any complex drawings right inside the markdown input cell. Try to type
In the output cell a corresponding SVG image will be generated.
See GIF animation below
Create blockquotes using >
> This is a blockquote.
Inline code uses backticks, and code blocks are wrapped with triple backticks:
`inline code`
code block
### Horizontal Rule
Create a horizontal rule with three or more dashes, asterisks, or underscores:
Create tables using pipes |
and dashes -
| Header 1 | Header 2 |
| Cell 1 | Cell 2 |
| Cell 3 | Cell 4 |
Use ==
wrapper to highlight text, i.e.
==Hello World==
Use the following syntax
Use admonitions!
The following types have special highlighting tip
, info
, warning
, danger
, todo
. Unknown types will be treated as info
You can always define your custom one
.admonition.yourtype {
background-color: pink;
TODO Lists
tag has a special effect, it inserts a live button-counter at the top of a page
which serves a purpose of a reminder.
You can put a bookmark on the page of your notebook
It will appear as an icon at the top. By clicking on it you can scroll to the content.
One can also use plain HTML tags to stylize markdown or embed media objects
We use KaTeX as a render engine, to type a equation wrap it inside $
or $$
(for equation block)
E = \\hbar \\omega
Unfortunately, you have to escape all backslashes, i.e. instead of \alpha
you need to write \\alpha
See here all supported function for LaTeX equations.
Markdown cells supports many features of WLX similar to how it is done in FrontSlidesSelected
Embed figures
For example you created a nice 3D plot
Figure = Plot3D[Sin[x] Cos[y], {x,-5,5}, {y,-5,5}];
Make first letter in the name of a symbol capital, this is required by the syntax of WLX language.
then one can embed it into markdown cell as if it was a custom tag
Hello there! Here is my plot
Drop a file
Paste media file
Github repo
To switch to Markdown language use .md
prefix on the first line